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This list is rarely updated, please look at my Google Scholar profile for a more up to date list of publications.
📜 Peer-reviewed
Ashish Rajendra Sai, Jim Buckley, Brian Fitzgerald, and Andrew Le Gear. “Taxonomy of centralization in public blockchain systems: A systematic literature review." Information Processing & Management 58, no. 4 (2021): 102584.
Ashish Rajendra Sai, Jim Buckley and Andrew Le Gear. “Characterizing wealth inequality in cryptocurrencies" Frontiers in Blockchain.
Andrew Le Gear, Farshad Toosi, Ashish Rajendra Sai, and Jim Buckley. "Using Graph Cycle Detection to Reveal Suspicious Ethereum Token Transfer Behavior" Applied Network Science. Under Revision.
Razzaq, Abdul, Jim Buckley, James Vincent Patten, Muslim Chochlov, and Ashish Rajendra Sai. "BoostNSift: A Query Boosting and Code Sifting Technique for Method Level Bug Localization." IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation(2021).
Ashish Rajendra Sai, Conor Holmes, Jim Buckley, and Andrew Le Gear. 2020. "Inheritance software metrics on smart contracts". In 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 20), October 5-6, 2020, Seoul, Republic of Korea. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. doi:10.1145/3387904.3389284
Farshad Ghassemi Toosi, Jim Buckley and Ashish Rajendra Sai.2019. "Source-Code Divergence Diagnosis using Constraints and Cryptography". In Proceedings of European Conference on Software Architecture , Paris , France , September 9-13 ,2019(ECSA) ,4 pages.doi:10 .1145 /3344948 .3344983
Cian Doyle, Farshad Toosi, and Ashish Rajendra Sai. "Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Bitcoin Price" (2020). In: 28th European Conference on Information Systems, June 15–17, 2020. Marrakech, Morocco.
Ashish Rajendra Sai, Andrew Le Gear, and Jim Buckley. "Centralization Threat Metric" (2019). In: 27th European Conference on Information Systems, June 7–13, 2019. Kista, Sweden.
Farshad Toosi and Ashish Rajendra Sai. " Using Artificial Intelligence To Detect Fraud On The Blockchain" (2019). In: 27th European Conference on Information Systems, June 7–13, 2019. Kista, Sweden.
Ashish Rajendra Sai, Andrew Le Gear, and Jim Buckley. "Optimal Block Creation Time" (2018). In: 26th European Conference on Information Systems, June 24–26, 2018. Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
Farshad Toosi, Jim Buckley, Ashish Rajendra Sai, and Andrew Le Gear. "Reverse engineering the blockchain as illustrated using eigen decomposition" (2018). In: 26th European Conference on Information Systems, June 24–26, 2018. Portsmouth, United Kingdom